With the help of internet maps, GPS and road atlases, Karlovy Vary is not difficult to find. But where do you go once you are in Karlovy Vary itself?

GPS: N 50°13.59965′, E 12°52.73212′

360 01 Karlovy Vary, Sadová 5

Entering the Spa Zone

The spa houses of the company Bohemia – lázně, a.s., are found in Karlovy Vary’s spa zone. The zone is marked with signs reading “No Vehicles”. If you have booked a stay in advance, it is possible to drive into the spa zone without a single-use permit on the basis of an invitation letter. No stopping or parking is permitted anywhere in the spa zone. Parking is only allowed in places marked “parking”. The maximum speed limit is 30 kph.

A single-use permit for entering the spa zone by vehicle is issued by the municipal police and 24 hours a day from ticket machines.

Parking for Private Vehicles

Inside the spa zone it is illegal to park anywhere other than hotel car parks. Bohemia-lázně a.s. provides all guests with the option of parking in its own five-storey garages, which are monitored by a CCTV security system and have a capacity of 54 parking spaces. Parking must be booked in advance when booking a room (+420 352511104). Prices can be found in the current price list.

Arrival by Car:

Finding the Kriváň and Concordia hotels from the direction of Cheb

The motorway from Cheb will take you directly into the centre of Karlovy Vary. On your left-hand side you will see a Baumax shopping centre, and after approx. 500 m you will pass through a glass noise barrier and then immediately turn right. To your left you will see an OMV petrol station. A sharp right turn will take you to a set of traffic lights. Here turn left, cross the bridge and turn left again at the next set of traffic lights. Opposite you, you will see a building with the name Becherplatz. After 200 m, go straight on at the lights and after passing another set of traffic lights you will come to a roundabout. Take the first exit right. After 150 m you will arrive at a junction. Turn left onto the bridge over the Teplá River. Take a gentle right turn and continue for approx. 250 m, where you will see the Sanatorium Thermal building and enter a tunnel. After exiting the tunnel and travelling approx. 350 m you will reach the edge of a pedestrian zone. Turn right onto the bridge. Cross the bridge and around the bend ahead of you, you will see the pink Spa Hotel Kriváň building with its wide entrance steps. Stop in front of the building and go to the reception, where you will be given information on how to get to the Hotel Slovan and Concordia buildings and, if required, on how to park in the garages. There is no access to the Slovan spa building from this side due to the one-way street.

Finding the Hotel Slovan from the Direction of Cheb

The motorway from Cheb will take you directly into the centre of Karlovy Vary. On your left-hand side you will see a Baumax shopping centre, and after approx. 500 m you will pass through a glass noise barrier and then immediately turn right. To your left you will see an OMV petrol station. A sharp right turn will take you to a set of traffic lights. Here turn left, cross the bridge, turn right at the next set of traffic lights and join the left-hand lane. After passing through the traffic lights continue for approx. 200 m, turn left at the next junction and continue straight on for approx. 250 m. Turn left at this junction and go straight on for approx. 500 m. At the second raised pedestrian crossing turn right, continue along the road up the hill, and at the top you will enter the spa zone (30 kph speed limit). Carry on past the Smetana, Vyšehrad and Orthodox Church buildings, take a sharp left and after 60 m turn left again. Continue for approx. 400 m along a gentle downhill slope and on your right-hand side you will see the Hotel Slovan building. After unloading your luggage and obtaining information at the Hotel Slovan reception, go downhill by car to the main Hotel Kriváň building.

Finding the Kriváň and Concordia hotels from the direction of Plzeň

It is approximately 80 km to Karlovy Vary from Plzeň. When approaching Karlovy Vary from Plzeň you will come to the Březová reservoir dam. Turn left and go along the dam. When you reach the urban district of Doubí, pass straight through and at the junction before the bridge turn right. You will pass a bus stop and the Ohře River will remain on your left-hand side. Three roundabouts will follow. Go straight on at all of them. Before the last one, you will pass an OMV petrol station. Continue over the level crossing and straight into the town centre. Do not take any turns and you will come to a first set of traffic lights. Go straight on. At the next set of traffic lights, where you will go straight on again, you will see a building with the name Becherplatz to your right. After 200 m another set of traffic lights will follow. Go straight on again, and after passing another set of traffic lights you will come to a roundabout. Take the first exit right. After 150 m you will arrive at a junction. Turn left onto the bridge over the Teplá River. Take a gentle right turn and continue for approx. 250 m, where you will see the Spa Hotel Thermal building and enter a tunnel. After exiting the tunnel and travelling approx. 350 m you will reach the edge of a pedestrian zone. Turn right onto the bridge. Cross the bridge and around the bend ahead of you, you will see the pink Sanatorium Kriváň building with its wide entrance steps. Stop in front of the building and go to the reception, where you will be given information on how to get to the Hotel Slovan and Concordia buildings and, if required, on how to park in the garages. There is no access to the Slovan spa building from this side due to the one-way street.

Finding the Hotel Slovan from the Direction of Plzeň

It is approximately 80 km to Karlovy Vary from Plzeň. When approaching Karlovy Vary from Plzeň you will come to the Březová reservoir dam. Turn left and go along the dam. When you reach the urban district of Doubí, pass straight through and at the junction before the bridge turn right. You will pass a bus stop and the Ohře River will remain on your left-hand side. Three roundabouts will follow. Go straight on at all of them. Before the last one, you will pass an OMV petrol station. Continue over the level crossing and straight into the town centre. After driving for approx. 1 km, turn right at the first large junction (you will see a marble VZP building to your right and a marble bus and railway station building to your left). Continue straight on for approx. 250 m. Turn left at this junction and go straight on for approx. 500 m. At the second raised pedestrian crossing turn right, continue along the road up the hill, and at the top you will enter the spa zone (30 kph speed limit). Carry on past the Smetana, Vyšehrad and Orthodox Church buildings, take a sharp left and after 60 m turn left again. Continue for approx. 400 m along a gentle downhill slope and on your right-hand side you will see the Hotel Slovan building. After unloading your luggage and obtaining information at the Hotel Slovan reception, go downhill by car to the main Hotel Kriváň building.

Finding the Kriváň and Concordia hotels from the direction of Prague

When travelling to Karlovy Vary from Prague, take the motorway in the direction of Cheb and when you see signs for the Karlovy Vary town centre turn right up a slight hill and join the left-hand lane. Pass through the traffic lights, take a sharp left and stay in the right-hand lane until you come to another set of traffic lights. At these traffic lights turn left onto the Cheb bridge. Cross the bridge and at the next traffic lights turn left. Opposite you, you will see a building with the name Becherplatz. After 200 m, go straight on at the lights and after passing another set of traffic lights you will come to a roundabout. Take the first exit right. After 150 m you will arrive at a junction. Turn left onto the bridge over the Teplá River. Take a gentle right turn and continue for approx. 250 m, where you will see the Sanatorium Thermal building and enter a tunnel. After exiting the tunnel and travelling approx. 350 m you will reach the edge of a pedestrian zone. Turn right onto the bridge. Cross the bridge and around the bend ahead of you, you will see the pink Spa Hotel Kriváň building with its wide entrance steps. Stop in front of the building and go to the reception, where you will be given information on how to get to the Hotel Slovan and Concordia buildings and, if required, on how to park in the garages. There is no access to the Slovan spa building from this side due to the one-way street.

Finding the Hotel Slovan from the Direction of Prague

When travelling to Karlovy Vary from Prague take the motorway in the direction of Cheb and when you see signs for the Karlovy Vary town centre turn right up a slight hill and join the left-hand lane. Pass through the traffic lights, take a sharp left and stay in the right-hand lane until you come to another set of traffic lights. At these traffic lights turn left onto the Cheb bridge. Cross the bridge, turn right at the next set of traffic lights and join the left-hand lane. After passing through the traffic lights continue for approx. 200 m, turn left at the next junction and continue straight on for approx. 200 m. Turn left at this junction and go straight on for approx. 500 m. At the second raised pedestrian crossing turn right, continue along the road up the hill, and at the top you will enter the spa zone (30 kph speed limit). Carry on past the Smetana, Vyšehrad and Orthodox Church buildings, take a sharp left and after 60 m turn left again. Continue for approx. 400 m along a gentle downhill slope and on your right-hand side you will see the Hotel Slovan building. After unloading your luggage and obtaining information at the Hotel Slovan reception, go downhill by car to the main Hotel Kriváň building.

Arrival by bus

Upon arrival in Karlovy Vary you will get off at the “Dolní nádraží” or “Tržnice” bus terminus (according to the current timetables of bus companies). You can get to the spa sanatorium by city transport (bus No. 1 from the bus stop “Tržnice” in the direction of Lázně III.) or from taxi ranks.

Arrival by train

Upon arrival in Karlovy Vary you will get off at the railway station “Horní nádraží”. From here you can get to the spa sanatorium Kriváň by city transport, either by bus No. 1 in the direction of “Lázně III” or bus No. 13 in the direction of “Lanovka Imperial” and at the second stop, “Tržnice”, change to bus No. 1 in the direction of “Lázně III”. The simplest way is from the taxi ranks outside the station.

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