We care for your health
Our modern balneotherapy centre offers ideal facilities for providing spa care using traditional and modern methods. A suitable combination of spa procedures, drinking cures and other physical activity brings relief from bodily tension, alleviates chronic diseases, strengthens immunity and helps to improve overall health.
Main procedure, procedure for free sale
A thermal water bath with a temperature of 36-38°C, where a combination of compressed air and CO2 is compressor-blown through a grid at the bottom of the bath tub. The bubble bath has a beneficial influence on the human body. Through skin micro-massage, better perfusion is reached together with general bodily relaxation. The slightly sedative effect has a positively effect on insomnia, neurosis, and psychosomatic diseases. The bath causes relaxation of muscle stiffness; therefore it is effectively utilized with motor apparatus treatment.
Procedure duration: 15 - 20 minutes, according to the spa doctor’s prescription
Main procedure, sale of a procedure with an informed consent to provide health care
This is a bath in mineral thermal water with a temperature of 32 – 350C filled by CO2. Absorption of CO2 causes a significant improvement of skin perfusion, decreases heart rate and blood pressure. The client sits in water undisturbed with their head 15 - 20 cm above water-level so as not to inhale CO2. As higher the temperature of water is as lower the saturation of CO2. After the bath is finished the client rests in a pack.
Procedure duration: 15 minutes., according to the spa doctor’s prescription
Main procedure, sale of a procedure with an informed consent to provide health care
This procedure fully uses the positive effect of carbon dioxide on peripheral circulation of the body. The client lies in a hermetic plastic pack that is filled with approximately 125 l of gas. In the course of the procedure an increase in the content of CO2 in the skin occurs which leads to dilation of all blood vessels and increase of the content of oxygen in the blood as well. It is recommended for treatment of cardiovascular diseases, lymphatic eoedemas, and skin injury and to suppress rheumatoid disorders. Increased perfusion of muscles and organs including the brain causes consolidation of the nervous system, improvement of the vegetative nervous system and general consolidation of the immune system.
Procedure duration: 20 minutes., according to the spa doctor’s prescription
Supplementary procedure, sale of a procedure with an informed consent to provide health care
This is a bath of the upper/lower limbs in thermal water with a temperature of 35-380C. Skin massage through the whirling water causes increased perfusion and through heating of the tissues. Thereby, quicker elimination of harmful materials from the body is supported. Regular bath repetition leads to muscle spasm relaxation. The procedure has an analgesic effect; it is recommended for the treatment of postoperative conditions.
Procedure duration: 15/10 minutes.
Main procedure, sale of a procedure with an informed consent to provide health care
This is a special type of underwater massage using jets located at the bottom and round the whole bath-tube. Effects of the thermal mineral water (36°- 38°C) and soft muscle massage by the water jets lead to a better blood circulation in the whole organism, easiness of muscular spasm and the softening of pain in the locomotive system. It is suitable for patients operated on, injuries of the locomotive system and muscular atrophy.
Procedure duration: 15 minutes., according to the spa doctor’s prescription.
Supplementary procedure, sale only after medical consultation
It is a method which combines the effects of galvanic (DC) current with the effects of warm water, hydrostatic pressure and hydrostatic uplift. The bath is performed in the system which consists of two water trays for the upper limbs and two water trays for the lower limbs. The operating assistant fills the bath with 38°C warm water. The client sits comfortably down on a chair as prescribed by the physician so that the upper limbs were placed into the upper water trays and the lower limbs are put in the lower water trays. Electric current enters evenly the entire submerged surface and produces an active blood flow, causes improvement of the tissue metabolism, reduction of swelling and alleviation of pain. Therefore, the procedure should be prescribed in blood circulation disorders of the limbs, impaired innervation, posttraumatic conditions or rheumatologic indications. It is not suitable for patients with pacemakers and joint replacements.
Procedure duration: 15 minutes., according to the spa doctor’s prescription.
Main procedure, procedures for free sale
A bath from the local natural upland peat mixed with spring water of 38°C. After that, the client is assisted when he or she gets out from the bath which is followed by a slightly hyperthermic cleansing shower and total dry body wrap.The human organism is slowly and carefully heated and the heat acts also on the internal organs that are deeply located. The pressure effect of peloidotherapy is significant in the general peloid bath. The pressure expels blood and lymph from the lower limbs. This effect is relatively beneficial but it compresses the abdominal and chest cavity at the same time with a possible undesirable effect on cardio-respiration. However, the effect is unambiguous during the treatment of the locomotive apparatus – increase of the range of movement and alleviation of pain in degenerative joint conditions and degenerative spinal diseases.
Procedure duration: 20 minutes., according to the spa doctor’s prescription.
Supplementary procedure, sale of a procedure with an informed consent to provide health care
Last but not least we must mention the “Scottish jets” procedure. This stimulating procedure utilizes the application of hot and cold water flow, as well as mechanical skin irritation. The procedure begins with a hot jet of 380C – 420C that lasts for 30 seconds. The hot jet is followed by a cold jet (160C – 200C) for 5-10 seconds. Both jets alternate 3-5 times and they are always finished by the cold jet. Perfusion of the upper and lower limbs helps decrease muscle aches with degenerative diseases of the locomotor system, as well as with functional disorders of upper and lower limb perfusion.
Procedure duration: 5 minutes.
Supplementary procedure, sale of a procedure with an informed consent to provide health care
The Kneipp path, which is a part of the Kneipp Water Treatment, has very beneficial effects on the improvement of blood supply to the lower extremities, reduces swelling of the lower extremities, reduces incipient varicose veins, and helps with headache and migraine conditions. It involves an active movement in the circuit containing warm water (35–40°C) and cold water (10-15°C). It is recommended to do a stork walk on the circuit. To achieve the required effect, which is strengthening of the blood vessel walls by their alternating dilation in warm water and contraction in cold water, the cycle should be repeated at least 10 times. If you want to take a rest after the procedure, you will finish in warm water. If you want to continue with a sauna, then the procedure should be finished in cold water. It is recommended after completion of the procedure to rub the extremities with a terry cloth towel.
Procedure duration: 15 minutes.
Main procedure, procedures for free sale
Classical massage indisputably belongs among the most favourite spa procedures. Anyone can afford a massage outside a resort, but only in connection with other procedures classical massage generates a balance of influences muscle tension normalization. Irritation of the receptors leads to better perfusion, metabolism and trophic in the tissues of the massaged area. Neutral emulsions or gels are used for massaging. According to the prescription, partial massages are featured; overall massages are subjected to cash payment.
Procedures duration: 18 minutes
Main procedure, sale only after medical consultation
Reflexive massage is a highly specialized procedure that brings immediate relief to clients. A skilled therapist utilizes manual treatment of the body’s surface in the areas of secondary changes, reflexively evoked by pathological processes. Special techniques and manipulations stimulate acupressure points that have a positive influence on functional, degenerative, and chronic rheumatic diseases of the motor apparatus, as well as functional and chronicle diseases of viscusses. The massage is made without emulsion directly on dry skin. The set of special techniques and manipulations is selected by the physiotherapist according to the client’s current condition.
Procedure duration:15 miutes
Main procedure, sale only after medical consultation
This haunt or fancy procedure is also based on the improvement of perfusion and on through-heating of the given part of the body, therefore it is often prescribed by physicians as a means of motor apparatus treatment. It is a version of underwater massage by a water flow from jets placed at the bottom of the hydropuncture tub. The entire process is controlled automatically with optional settings (water temperature 34-36°C, parts of the body to massage, procedure duration).
Procedure duration: 10 minutes
Main procedure, sale of a procedure with an informed consent to provide health care
Underwater massage combines the effects of a bath, a massage, and active and passive exercise in an aquatic environment. It is recommended for treatment of motor apparatus diseases, and as supporting therapy in the treatment of psychosomatic diseases. The client is placed in a special tub with thermal water at a prescribed temperature, usually 35 - 37°C, and then massaged under the water by the pressurized water flow, which again improves the skin perfusion. The procedure has a beneficial effect on the general relaxation of the limb muscles and tendons. The relieving effect should be mentioned, as well.
Procedure duration: 15 minutes, pursuant to the physician’s prescription.
Procedure for free sale, not included in the spa programme
Body acupuncture system used as a diagnostic and therapeutic method also includes several micro-systems. There are points corresponding with various body organs and putting influence on their functions. The best known micro-system is the auricle. As far as acupressure massages are concerned, the most important micro-system is located in the foot plantar area. This plantar area contains points connected to all organs in our body. If these individual zones are massaged, functions of the relevant organs and systems of organs are equalized and a well-balanced status is achieved (equilibrium). Manual massage is conducted by a professional masseuse. This type of massage focuses on elimination of pathological reflective conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system, most often around the spine and the autonomic nervous system. Regular massage can affect blood flow to various organs and accelerate removal (washout) of toxic substances from the body, improve blood circulation and accelerate regeneration process of the entire body.
Length of procedure: 50 minutes, paid by the client.
Procedure for free sale, not included in the spa programme
Hot stone massage is a popular procedure which brings relaxation, relief and improves your overall well-being. Lava stones are of basaltic origin, accumulate heat easily and radiate extremely strong vibration energy. Hot stones with a temperature between 45 and 50°C are used during the massage, but are also placed on various parts of your body. They are placed into client's palms, on the back and at various energy centres all over the client's body. During the massage the stones get gradually cooler and the masseuse replaces them with hot ones. This creates a deeper relaxation effect, the body releases tension, spasms and stiffness. It also rejuvenates tissues, improves overall blood circulation and strengthens lymphatic and immune system. This massage achieves overall balance of the body energy as well as its entire harmonization.
Pocedure duration: 50 min.
Procedure for free sale, not included in the spa programme
Aromatherapy/massage is a procedure where various fragrances are used in order to achieve the desired effects. During this procedure the therapist applies gentle touches, strokes and essential oils all over the body - from your head to the tips of your toes. These oils penetrate deeply through the skin into your body where they relax your muscles and tendons and thus improving the condition of your musculoskeletal system. This massage activates the entire lymphatic system and promotes quality sleep.
Inhalation of aromatic fragrances soothes the olfactory centre and the nervous system. This initiates various reactions, mostly emotional reactions. The body may either relax or be stimulated. Aromatic fragrances evoke changes in your mind, which will put you in a positive mood and give you a sense of well-being and joy.
Procedure duration: 50 min.
Procedure for free sale, not included in the spa programme
Besides a healthy diet and regular exercise, a suitable addition in the fight against cellulite is an anti-cellulite massage. The procedure is applied mainly to the most exposed places, that are the lower limbs, buttocks and belly. The therapist performs a targeted massage and touches certain spots which activate the lymph and help with detoxification of your body. The lymphatic system washes away toxins and deposits from underneath your skin - which we are all familiar with - those little unpleasant bumps. After treatment the therapist applies a compression wrap to massaged spots and you will rest.
Procedure duration: 50 min.
Procedure for free sale, not included in the spa programme
Thanks to its drainage effect a bamboo sticks massage is a very effective method how to improve lymphatic system and stimulate your muscles. The massage is done by using bamboo oil and preheated bamboo sticks of different sizes - based on the size of your body which is being massaged. The therapist massages the entire body including your face and feet. By pressing harder on certain bamboo sticks the pressure exerted on your muscles is higher and improves blood flow.
It offers excellent relieving, soothing, reflexology and lymphatic properties, it stimulates nerves and muscle fibres and has a particularly beneficial effect on cellulite and swellings, reduces back pain, relieves tension and muscle stiffness.
However, in addition to some unpleasant contraindications which massages may cause, let us give you a few extra recommendations. This massage may not be pleasant for very slim persons.
Procedure duration: 50 min.
Supplementary procedure, sale only after medical consultation
This electrotherapy procedure utilizes the effects of low-frequency monophasic currents. According to the prescription a specific current type is applied through underlaying and applied electrodes. The intensity is set according to the client’s subjective tolerance. This method ensures successful perfusion of the treated part of the body, mainly the painful major joints. Biodynamic has analgesic and spasmolytic effects.
Procedure duration: 3 – 6 min., according to the spa doctor’s prescription – localization, current type, application time.
Supplementary procedure, sale only after medical consultation
Contrary to Diadynamic, this treatment method utilizes high-frequency electric currents with low voltage. The treatment utilizes gentle differentiated heating of the body tissues. This procedure is recommended to achieve heating of deeper body structures without considerable effects on the skin. It increases the blood and lymph circulation, it also improves the metabolism, relieves smooth muscle contractions and reduces pain. Therefore it has a beneficial effect mainly on degenerative, chronic and inflammatory diseases of major joints.
Procedure duration: 15 minutes, according to the spa doctor’s prescription – localization, degree.
Supplementary procedure, sale only after medical consultation
The group of electrotherapeutic procedures, that has a positive influence on the treatment of the locomotors system (relieving the contractions of smooth muscles and thereby reducing pain), is completed with a procedure called endomed – vacotron. The procedure also utilizes mechanotherapeutic elements and low- or high-frequency currents.
Procedure duration: 8 - 10 minutes, according to the spa doctor’s prescription – localization, intensity.
Supplementary procedure, sale only after medical consultation
During the treatment of the locomotor system, osteo-arthrosis, chronic joint inflammations, as well as acute and chronic muscle rheumatism, become positive effects of mechanical waves arise upon the application of ultrasound. The indicated area is covered with contact media, then the intensity is set together with the duration according to the spa doctor’s prescription and the moving head is driven over the painful spot. The result of the procedure is micro-massage and consequent tissue heating, leading to local circulation improvement and pain reduction, improving the regenerative properties of the tissues.
Procedure duration: 1 spot = 4 min, according to the spa doctor’s prescription – localization, itensity, application time.
Supplementary procedure, sale only after medical consultation
A very efficient method in the treatment of rheumatic problems and post-traumatic conditions is the VAS – 07 devices. It is a contact-free utilization of the deep application of electric currents by means of electromagnetic induction. It may be applied over a bandage (with varicose ulcers or recent injuries), over a plaster, clothes, even in the case of built-in metal materials, e.g. endoprosthesis.
Procedure duration: up to 20 minutes.
Supplementary procedure, sale only after medical consultation
This very special physical therapy use positive curative effects of magnetic field. Pulse magnetic field influences human body and its organs. This conduct to healing of health diseases in major cases. This procedure is without any futher physical contact and has very good healing and anti-inflammatory effects, is calming down and breaking pain.
Procedure duration: 20 minutes
Supplementary procedure, sale only after medical consultation
Laser devices are irreplaceable in medicine. Laser machines are devices that produce specific light wavelength of a required intensity. A reduced-energy laser, a “soft-laser”, is used in painless irritation therapy as a substitute for an acupressure needle.
Laser application causes the following effects in the irradiated tissues:
Procedure duration: 1 pulse = 3 - 8 minutes, according to the spa doctor’s prescription ,i.e. diagnosis and number of body areas
Main procedure, sale only after medical consultation
Parafango is one of the frequently utilized procedures of thermotherapy; similarly to paraffin baths it utilizes the transmission of the specific heat of parafango, i.e. a mixture of paraffin and thin peloid, to the patient’s body. The parafango temperature is usually 450C. The heat is first absorbed by the skin, which causes improvement of the skin perfusion and later it is transmitted into the deeper structures of the body, where it has anti-inflammatory effects. These packs are recommended in treatment of the locomotor system.
Procedure duration: 20 minutes, according to the spa doctor’s prescription - localization.
Supplementary procedure, sale only after medical consultation
Another very suitable procedure for treatment of the locomotor system is the paraffin (wax) pack. This method utilizes the transmission of heat that is released during the paraffin mass hardening between 52°C – 55°C. Paraffin material mixed with paraffin oil is applied to the treated area. Through the heat transmission (more than with the peloid procedure), this treatment reduces the pain. This procedure is suitable for arthrosis-based pain in minor joints.
Procedure duration: 20 minutes, according to the spa doctor’s prescription – localization.
Main procedure, sale only after medical consultation
Mud packs belong among traditional types of treatment. The packs utilize the thermoregulatory properties of peat. Peat, in contrast to parafango or paraffin, transmits heat gradually. A disposable mud pack at a temperature of 42-44°C is applied to the affected part for approximately 20 minutes. Mud packs belong to the most popular thermal procedures that are applied for locomotor system diseases.
Procedure duration: 20 minutes, according to the spa doctor’s prescription - localization.
Main procedure, sale only after medical consultation
One of the most liked thermo procedures is the peat pack used in case of locomotive system disorders. Its main advantage is the use of natural healing substances. The immediate effect is better blood circulation, ease of muscle tension, softening of ligament and an analgesic effect. 42°- 44°C warm peat is put on the client´s back for 20 minutes with a warm shower afterwards. The peat pack is used when the peloid bath is impossible. In case even the classical peat pack is of any stress for the cardiovascular system, the quick peat pack is recommended.
Procedure duration: 20 minutes, according to the spa doctor’s prescription - localization
Supplementary procedure, according to the spa doctor’s prescription - localization
This modern procedure is one of the negative thermotherapy procedures; its temperature is about –5°C till -15°C or less. During the procedure, the physiotherapist locally applies refreshing thermo gel poultices, suitable for inflammatory or chronical diseases of the locomotor system and for local oedemas.
Procedure duration: 10 minutes, according to the spa doctor’s prescription - localization.
Main procedure, according to the spa doctor’s prescription - localization
A much sought-after therapy is individual physiotherapy under the supervision of skilled personnel – a physiotherapist. Nevertheless, it is a highly specialized rehabilitation method. The aim of this exercise is normalization or substantial improvement in the mobility of the affected parts of the body. The physiotherapist conducts the procedure according to specific spa doctor’s prescriptions and at the same time the client’s response is monitored and utilized for appropriate technique selection. It is essential, that the client regularly repeats the learned remedial exercises after returning home.
Supplementary procedure, procedures for free sale
This treatment consists of general fitness exercises and exercises focused on the specific client’s health problems. Recently the “physioball” exercises and “overball” exercises have earned a very good name and position in the treatments of mobility. This procedure combines entertainment and the adoption of exercise techniques that actively support improvement of the client’s mobility.
Supplementary procedure, procedures for free sale
A very popular procedure combining the beneficial effects of hydrotherapy and thermotherapy with the patients' active co-operation. The exercise utilizes the hydrostatic pressure, temperature, resistance and upward pressure of the thermal water for relieving joints; thereby it facilitates mobility by immobile clients. The physiotherapist demonstrates the prescribed series and carefully monitors the clients' response to thermal stress. The procedure is successfully utilized in the treatment of degenerative diseases and post-traumatic conditions of the locomotive organs.
Procedure duration: up to 20 minutes with subsequent free swimming.
Supplementary procedure, procedure for free sale
Yoga is one of the methods that help you find the harmony with your body, mind, soul and the surrounding world. By no means there are not only physical exercises. In the course of this procedure you will familiarize yourself with basic yoga elements that cause muscle and mental stress relaxation and bring a generally balanced status.
Supplementary procedure, procedures for free sale
Exercise in the gym is known to have beneficial effects not only for the muscles, but also for the nervous and circulation systems, and strengthens the action of the heart muscle. Regular exercise reduces the risk of myocardial infarction, eliminates stress and puts people in a good mood (thanks to the release of endorphins or “happiness” hormones). It speeds up the metabolism (which means that people have a faster metabolism and are therefore less prone to body fat accumulation), even when you are not exercising. The fitness center is divided into a cardio zone (exercise bike, treadmill) and a body building area (body building tower, weights). The gym offers newly built facilities and locker rooms. The aim of our fitness is to offer maintenance of the body shape for active athletes and new possibilities of active relaxation to concerned persons.
If you want to know exactly what your body is composed of, don’t hesitate to take the unique opportunity to use the In Body device. This is one of the most reliable devices for diagnostics and analysis of the composition of the human body – a so-called analyser. The analysis itself is very fast and simple and usually takes around 2 minutes. The person being analysed needs to be barefoot (no shoes or socks). There is no need to take off clothing because your weight, which can be deducted, can be set on In Body. The only people who cannot undergo analysis using In Body are people with cardio-stimulators. Otherwise, this device will analyse and provide results to everyone between 6 and 99 years old.
Y ou can use this device to find out your current percentage of body fat and muscle. On the basis of your current condition the device will calculate your ideal body fat and muscle percentages and also your target weight. Your target weight is calculated on the basis of the muscle and body fat percentages of the person being analysed. If the weight of the person being analysed is over their ideal weight and their muscle percentage is over their ideal weight, then the target weight is higher than the ideal weight. The ideal weight focuses more on health than a person’s perfection or beauty.
A body analysis using the In Body device provides us with valuable information, on the basis of which we can recommend suitable activities specifically for individual people. Depending on the results of muscle and body fat distribution and weight, we can find out whether power training to create more muscle, exercises to form your figure, balancing imbalances or aerobic activities leading to fat reduction are most appropriate.
Main procedure, procedures for free sale
The therapy was introduced by Professor Manfred von Ardenn. Its purpose is to improve the oxygen potential. This therapy should mobilize you to utilize the acquired energy resources more actively. Oxygen therapy is suitable for all clients of all age categories. The client inhales a 94% oxygen solution. The procedure is complemented with vitamins.
Oxygen therapy is suitable for the following situations:
Supplementary procedure, procedures for free sale
Inhalation of microscopic particles of natural salt solutions in the form of an aerosol, created by means of an ultrasonic device. Inhalation is possible through your mouth or nose. Most frequently used is alkaline mineral water – e.g. Vincentka of Luhačovice. The main effect consists in mucus liquefaction, reduction of excess secretions, incitement of an anti-inflammatory response. Natural mineral water may be added with various additives, e.g. eucalyptus oil with antiseptic effects.
This procedure is suitable in the treatment of infectious and allergic respiratory diseases, conditions following mechanical or chemical damage to the respiratory tract, conditions after surgery and traumatic damage to the respiratory tract.
Procedure duration: 10 - 15 minutes, according to the spa doctor’s prescription.
Supplementary procedure, sale only after medical consultation
This effective procedure for treatment of the locomotor system is a modification of acupuncture. This reflexive method activates the acupuncture points by means of a hypodermic injection application of carbon dioxide. The hypodermic application of CO2 alleviates soreness, improves perfusion of the treated area and accelerates healing.
Procedure duration: according to the spa doctor´s prescription – localization, number of applications.
1 procedure = 30 puncture
Supplementary procedure, sale only after medical consultation
In the 1930s physiotherapist Emil Vodder together with his wife developed lymphatic drainage treatment. The method is currently very popular and in modern spa properties it has made its mark with its multiple utilization. The main aim of this method is to support the elimination of lymph out of tissues. By means of special pressure techniques, harmful substances are increasingly conveyed via the lymphatic vessels out of tissues. Lymphatic oedemas are thus treated; the method is also used in the rehabilitation of post-traumatic conditions with oedemas of the affected limbs. It also reduces weariness. In addition it is utilized as a supporting therapy for weight reduction. Lymphatic drainage is performed either manually or by means of a machine. Manual lymphatic drainage is payeid by the client, if oncological programme is not applied.
Supplementary procedure, sale only after medical consultation
This procedure is performed by means of an apparatus called Vasotrain. Vacuum-compression therapy serves the purpose of improvement of perfusion disorders, stagnant metabolism and deteriorated limbs trophic due to vascular, post-traumatic, stress or system disorders (e.g. diabetes). Vacuum-compression therapy is based on the alternation of vacuum and pressure phases.
Procedure duration: 15 minutes, according to the spa doctor´s prescription – localization, programme.
Supplementary procedure, sale only after medical consultation
At the time of the rapidly deteriorating environmental impacts on human health in cities has a regular residence in the salt cave its positive significance for all ages of healthy individuals and chronic respiratory ill people.
Microclimate replaced its marine climate. Therapeutic effect is achieved wet inhalation of ionized air enriched with minerals and trace elements. The salt cave is made from natural salt blocks imported from the Dead Sea.
Bacteriologically pure, ionized air cave improves the overall condition of the body and act favorably on the upper and lower airways, asthma, skin disorders - eczema, acne, psoriasis, circulatory disorders, high blood pressure, neurosis, fatigue and depressive states, reduced thyroid function allergies of all kinds, psychosomatic diseases and also contributes to the well-being and mood enhancement.
Supplementary procedure
The turbosolarium utilizes the elements of phototherapy. UVA radiation accelerates the skin’s suntan effect. Apart from the cosmetic effect (a nice tan), reasonable sunbathing may support your health thanks to the creation of vitamin D. It heals disorders of the body’s metabolism, rachitis, cold; also in cases of skin diseases such as acne, psoriasis, etc., it has a highly beneficial effect. In combination with other dermatological preparations recommended by the spa doctor, a solarium serves as an additional therapy in a dermatological programme., otherwise it is provided only for payment by the client.
Supplemetary procedure, sale only after medical consultation
It is a relaxation, rectangular indoor swimming pool made of reinforced concrete with integrated stairs on its shorter side and close to the room entrance door. The swimming pool depth is 1.2m. The pool is fitted with basic water treatment technology and equipped with underwater niche lights and attractions - counter streams, a waterspout, bubble bath massage bench and hydro-massage in a wall and for a massage bench.
The swimming pool is filled with thermal water and also with water from regular water distribution system in 49:51 ratios. The temperature in the relaxation swimming pool is kept between 29 and 31°C. During morning hours the swimming pool is used by regular spa guests.
Traditional procedure used by Nordic nations and the ancient Romans. This type of sauna belongs to the hypothermic treatment method that utilizes the effect of dry hot air, temperature between 80 and 100°C and maximum humidity of 12%. You stay in the sauna 10 or 15 minutes. Then you have to cool yourself down with cold water. After a short rest the entire procedure may be repeated 2 or 3 times. Sauna supports anti-stress gene mechanisms and positively affects regeneration and relaxation of the entire body. It is a very efficient training for your cardiovascular system.
Steam bath / steam sauna is a warm fogy bath (approximately 45 °C, humidity up to 100%), similar to a regular sauna. However, when compared with the regular sauna, steam bath is not so hot and is much more humid. The length of stay in a hot bath depends on individual preferences, but it usually ranges between 10 and 20 minutes. Lukewarm shower is recommended when you finish your steam bath. It is not necessary to cool yourself down quickly with cold water. The intensity of the cooling process is different for each of us and should be based on individual feelings and experiences. In addition to showering you may also use cool air. In order to obtain pleasant feelings warming and cooling phases are usually repeated 2 to 3 times. Positive effects of steam sauna include muscle and mental relaxation, relief for sore muscles and joints, detoxification, acceleration of metabolism, skin cleansing, overall refreshment and recovery, and respiratory route cleaning, etc.
The heat source used in infra-sauna is not a regular stove, but an electric infra heater producing radiation heat, which goes deep but gently through your skin tissue, muscles and if given enough time, even down to your joints. Inside the infra-cabin the temperature ranges from 40 oC up to maximum of 60 oC and the air humidity is between 2-6%. Based on this fact, clients better tolerate the heat. Stay in infra-sauna has positive effects on the human body - increases the expansibility of collagen tissues, reduces joint stiffness and muscle spasms, reduces pain, increases blood flow, stimulates immune system, and it is also suitable for treatment of skin diseases and helps increase weight loss.
It is a cabin where your body is cooled after a stay in sauna, or after another type of "heating" or warming procedure. SideThe side walls of the cabin are made of cooling panels covered with ice / frost, which cools the cabin down to approximately 3-5°C. The ice generator also creates crushed ice, which may be used to quickly cool down individual parts of the body. Repeated heating and cooling of the body during sauna sessions increase blood flow and activate the immune system.
Main procedure, sale only after medical consultation
The floating tank is an egg-shaped plastic shell with the dimensions of 2,4 m length, 1,4 m width and 1,3 m height. The contentfilling consists of 550 l of water magnesium salt solution at a temperature (37.5°C) and 350 kgs of Dead Sea salt. Floating is equipped with hydro-massage jets that exquisitely massage the whole body with the salt solution. The solution of MgSO4 is cleaned in a perfect filtration unit fitted with a UV radiator and continuous water heater. Hot air is forced into the area above the surface. The tank is fitted with underwater illumination and speakers for relaxation music are placed in the interjacket.
Floating helps improve the mobility of the locomotor and lifting system, reduces joint pain, improves mobility and contributes to quicker healing of fractures and other flesh wounds. Floating alleviates muscle pain arising from incorrect postural control, regulates blood pressure and contributes to sound sleep. Direct contact with the skin has a positive influence on the treatment or alleviation of skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. The magnesium salt Dead Sea water solution cleans the skin, which thereby becomes more elastic. In a specially modified tub, the state of weightlessness is simulated, which is known to have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Greater blood flow is achieved, which has a positive influence on cellular nutrition and eliminates all harmful materials from the body. The effect is improved in combination with various massage types. Bathing in a special tub filled with Dead Sea water effectively. Bath effectively reduces weariness and supports quick regeneration after hard manual or mental work. Floating eliminates biochemical substances produced by the body in stressful situations. Excellent results are achieved in the improvement of anxiety, depression, phobic states and various bad habits.
Supplementary procedure, sale only after medical consultation
During this procedure, using a unique therapeutic effects of pack water bath Haslauer and the effects of natural products applied to the body of the client. Selected oil, peat or other additive is applied to a thin film in which the client packaged and immersed into the membrane waterbed. With gentle pressure water film gently pressed on the body and so may different products (oils, additives) very sensitively react. Therapeutic effects obtained by gradual warming of the body to the recommended temperature is multiplied induced weightlessness. Wraps bath is suitable for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system - relieves muscle tension, reduce local swelling, enhances inflammatory processes in the body. Different works well chosen ingredients.
Length of procedure: 20 min., paid by the patient.
Make an appointment
All procedures for free sale can be purchased at the reception of the balneotherapy centre on the weekdays from 8.00 – 14.30 hours.
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